WhatsApp did not pioneer group chats but it was very instrumental in making them a very important part of our lives. WhatsApp now owned by Meta has been around for more than a decade now. Group chat has been a feature of WhatsApp since 2011. However the group administrators don’t have control over chat itself. Now WhatsApp is giving more powers to the group admin as they can delete messages sent by other members.
At the moment, WhatsApp group administrator can only boot the members and control who joins and who can send the messages. Tools for moderating activity in chat are extremely limited and it is not possible to delete the messages at the moment. The upcoming builds of messages app could allow the group admins delete the messages sent by participants by long-tapping them and selecting the ‘delete for everyone’ option. The chat will retain placeholder for deleted message mentioning name of the administrator who deleted it.
TikTok will allow you play games on the app soon
TikTok is discovering new ways to attract the users and recently they have planned to add HTML 5 mini-games to keep the users amused while browsing videos. A spokesperson of TikTok has said that they are planning to enrich our platform and regularly test new features as well as integrations that bring value to the community.
At the moment the stakeholders at TikTok are exploring the possibility of bringing HTML5 games to TikTok through integrations with 3rd party game developers as well as studios. The rumors about the TikTok’s HTML5 mini-games have been around since the start of 2022. Mobile game developer Zynga partnered with TikTok to launch Disco Loco 3D which is a similar game Zynga’s other famous title High Heels. TikTok has now partnered with many other developers and studios and when the feature will be implemented, it will surely give boost to TikTok over its compatriots.
In the latest Google Messages beta you can swipe your texts away
Google is trying to ensure that all of their apps look cohesive and work in a same manner. It is the reason Google is bringing Gmail app’s old customizable swipe actions to latest Messages beta. With Gmail you have got loads of options and you can swipe to snooze emails, mark them read r unread, delete them or archive them. At the moment the stable build of Messages only archives a message whether you swipe left or right on it. But it is changing now for the beta users and the new Messages build starts to give the users the options to configure different behavior for swipes. Both left and right swipes are customizable and you can pick from two actions deleting thread or archiving it and just doing nothing at all.
The new look of Google for Gmail is now arriving in your inbox
Earlier this year, Google previewed new layout for Gmail with deeper Chat, Spaces and Meet integration. Initially, the big G made redesign available on an opt-in basis i.e. you need to switch to integrated view manually. After this in late June a new Gmail look with Material You coating was released. The new layout has got a sidebar located on the left side that allows you to jump between your inbox, Chat, Meet, Spaces and conversation bubbles for ongoing chats.
If you don’t need other services you can head over to Quick Settings menu to toggle the apps displayed on sidebar. You can only use Gmail and disable other services in which you are not interested in. Apart from visual refresh, Google is making Gmail search more powerful. With search chips, you can narrow search results which will help you instantly find mail that you are looking for. Google has announced that Gmail’s search is improved with ‘contextual contact suggestions with intent matching for names as well as email addresses.
A study funded by Samsung shows just how well the Galaxy Watch4’s blood oxygen sensor works
Over the past few years, smartwatches have come of their own, shedding their awesome pedometer with apps image and evolving into health trackers. Each and every one need to deliver actionable health data whether that means monitoring the blood oxygen content or detecting atrial fibrillation. Samsung has packed loads of sensors into its Galaxy Watch4 and has recently published results of study by demonstrating smartwatch’s efficacy at detecting symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.
In a study that was conducted by Samsung Medical Center, the Galaxy Watch4 was used to monitor blood oxygen levels of 97 adults with sleep disturbances. Each SpO2 level of the subject was measured with Galaxy Watch and conventional medical equipment by the researchers at the same time. They compared the former’s oxygendesaturation index measurement to the latter’s apnea-hypopnea index. The experiment of Samsung pitted the Galaxy Watch4’s reflectance pulse oximeter’s accuracy against medical-grade transmittance pulse oximeter. The former’s sensor comprises of eight photodiodes sensitive to the changes reflected light.
Snapchat is launching its web version for the first time
Snapchat has not been accessible on any device other than smartphones even though all of its competitors have had the web versions for quite some time now. But now Snapchat has also announced that they are coming up with a eb version for its users.
Snapchat for Web will allow you to log into your account and chat with your friends. You can also call your friends from the desktop. Snapchat Plus subscribers will have access to all these features first. Snapchat Plus is a recently announced premium tiers for Snapchat that allows you to have access to exclusive features like Story Watch Indicator, icons, custom themes and many more. But there are some restrictions in Snapchat for Web that it only works with Google Chrome and it does not support Apple’s Safari browser. It will also work with other browsers based on Chromium engine like MS Edge, Brave, Opera and many others.
Facebook has got new Feed and Home tabs
Facebook has come up with new Feed tab and it will allow you to find the most recent posts from your friends, favorites, groups and pages. The primary tab which opens when you open the app has now been named as Home. Home tab will allow you to view reels, stories as well as some other content through recommendations.
The Home tab has become a discovery engine that lets its users to connect with new creators and content. Home tab is based on Artificial Intelligence in order to serve recommended content. As for as feeds is concerned, it will allow you to access latest post of your friends, communities as well as groups that you are connected with. There are no ads and recommendations on the feed tab. You can apply different filters in order to sort the content. These filters will allow you to find latest content of your favorites, pages, groups and friends. You can access the feed tab from the shortcut bar. For iOS the shortcut bar is located at the bottom of the app whereas on Android, it will be located on the top. The shortcut bar will arrange the tabs depending upon the ones you use the most but you can change this order by pinning the tabs.