First Computer is world was developed before world war II.
The birth of an electronic computer
Computers in the modern sense have developed rapidly just before and during World War II. In the process, electronic circuits replaced mechanical computing devices, and digital circuits replaced analog circuits. It’s not easy to determine what the “first computer” is because these changes have been made little by little over the years.

The development of early computers during World War II and before and after World War II can be roughly divided into three streams.
The first trend is the study of German engineer Konrad Chusze, whose research has long been forgotten in the United States. The second stream is the British Colossus computer but has been kept secret for decades for military reasons. Thus, the previous two trends did not affect US research. George Steitz of Bell Labs, who introduced the binary system to electronic calculators. Which is also known as one of the fathers of modern electronic computers.
Conrad Chute
In 1936, an independent researcher from Germany, Konrad Chusze, began developing the Z series of calculators with limited programming capabilities and memory. The first work of the Z series is the Z1, which was completed in 1938, and it worked in binary. But it was mechanical, and it didn’t work exactly because of the precision of the parts.

The successor, the Z3, was completed in 1941 using telephone exchanger parts. The Z3 became the first programmable digital computer. The Z3 is similar in many ways to modern computers and has made great progress in floating-point arithmetic. It is designed to be simpler and more reliable by discarding the decimal operation (decimal method was used in the design of the garbage), which is difficult to implement.
The Z3 was presumed not to be a Turing machine at first because of no conditional branching, but in the 1990s it was proved that the Z3 was a Turing machine. The Plancalquill was implemented by a research team at the Free University of Berlin in 2000, five years after the exile.
World First Computer In the study of the repatriation retreated briefly as part of the machine was lost in the Allied bombing during World War II. It was known about his work in the United Kingdom and the United States.
IBM is believed to have known about his research and sponsored a company founded by Chu Chu on the condition of obtaining some of his patents in 1946, shortly after the war.
During World War II, Blechili Park (nickname of the British Government Cryptographic Research Institute) succeeded in deciphering the German military cryptosystem. Enigma, a German cryptographic typewriter, was decrypted with the help of an electromechanical calculator “bombe”. The bombe, designed by Polish mathematician Marian Reuzsky and electronically improved by Alan Turing and Gordon Welchman. It has been used in cryptocurrency since 1941.
Another German typewriter series, the Lorenz SZ 40/42 series, differed from Enigma in many ways. To decipher this cryptosystem, Professor Max Newman and colleagues designed the Colossus computer. Tommy Flowers produced Colossus No. 1 from March to December 1943 and installed it in Blechili Park in January 1944.
With a huge number of tube components, the Colossus was the world’s first programmable fully electronic computer. It was able to perform various kinds of logical operations by receiving input from paper tape, but it was not a Turing machine. One Colossus No. 1 and nine Colossus No. 2 were produced, but all remained classified as military until the 1970s. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill also ordered the complete destruction of the end-of-life,
Colossus computer in order not to disclose to the public that it could decrypt Lorentz during the Cold War. Therefore, the existence of the Colossus computer has not been included in the history of the computer for a while.
A Colossus that has now been restored is on display at Blechili Park.
Research in the United States for World First Computer
In 1944, IBM and Harvard University’s Howard E.Kin created a digital-electronic computer mark-I that can perform addition three times in one second using a relay.
Mark-One embodies Babbage’s analysis engine design concept with relays, switches, and motors, and features. An automatic sequential control method that is controlled by punched paper tape made of 3,000 relays and gears. However, due to mechanical constraints, the processing speed was slow.
World First Computer